awaiting awaiting

quicky just to bring people up to date...warning: full of facts & terms

Results of surgery & pathology:
No lympnodes involved = very very good
they were able to get clear margins - BUT it was bigger than they expected and there were a couple of lesions, these two factors are why i am having some more tests and why they have not completly decided on what the next course of action is. (they being mostly my oncologist)
not agressive
Estrogen + which is good, hormone treatments are very effective
Progesterone +
HER2 negative (i think, for some reason i'm spacing on this pretty imp info but will call monday)
Stage 2 A

What we are waiting for :
Sending "it" off to test it's Oncotype - this is a rather new test, where they can tell if a type of cancer is even responsive to chemo. if it isn't then no point going through that ordeal

BRAC test, for the genetic mutation, takes a couple of weeks

MRI - i had this yesterday, i had open MRI cos i'm so damn claustrophobic and still i took an ativan. It was easy but i was totaly exhausted all day and lets just say i shoulda had someone else drive me home

CT scan & bone density scan scheduled for the 15th - bleachhhh, i have to drink "Mochachino" flavoured barium. gag gag gag gag gag

i'm ok with this waiting - it's like having a vacay, or a chance to get stuff done, have some fun, ect...i've envisioned all the possible scenarios, played with what they look like, sometimes i decide that one is better than the other, but all in all i'm just gonna be ok with whatever it takes to be ok.

today i'm kinda sick, completely unrelated i believe, just actual sick which is totaly not fair, except that people feel even more sorry for me and therefore my kids have been swimming & playing with neighbors all day. Being a mom & sick sucks, being a single mom and sick sucks beyond belief, that's all i have to say about that. you know what i mean.