The What If Moments

WTF with the What if?

I’m (very slowly) reading Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now.

I read it in snippets and paragraphs here and there, mostly because each bit blows my mind so much and I have to close it and contemplate for a while.

Currently I’m in a beautiful Arbnb in my favorite place, Marfa TX, while on a self imposed writing retreat with my friend Tara. I picked up the book on a little writing break and of course, yet another thought provoking moment occurred.

Tolle asks the question - are you worried? are you having many “what if” thoughts? Then proceeds to explain that there is no way to find a solution or to cope with that future situation because it does not exist.  He further explains that the only things we actually have to cope with are right now, and that that is doable.  The suggestion is to take some breaths, and get back into this present moment for that is all that is true.

I do actually truly believe this, but oh my god, how freaking hard this is for a person with stage 4 cancer? how do we not worry about getting sicker, dying, the process of dying, what our kids and family will do after our death, how they will cope, how sad they will be, will it hurt…and on and and on. It almost feels like we MUST worry about these things in order to plan, and arrange, and prepare our minds and our lives. 

But truly, thinking this way is suffering.  Another incredible writer who I’m also reading little by little is Viktor Frankl his book Man’s Search for Meaning - in it he says that suffering itself is meaningless, and when I step back and observe all of this, it is meaningless, it makes no progress, it provides no relief and solves no problems.  The stress from it is even detrimental to health 

So, I stop to breathe, to take in the view from my window of the vast west texas sky, and my fave restaurant Bordo, I feel the bliss and contentment that is this present moment, and I realize that letting go of “what if’” is freedom.  I can’t plan to die, I can’t plan to make my kids not sad, I can’t fix scenarios that don’t exist yet. it’s madness and debilitating to even consider.   I choose freedom, I choose present moment. 

But…Sometimes the present moment is unbearable, painful, what then? The biggest urge is to run, do anything you can to escape from it.  Maybe at times escape is the best thing, I’ll be honest, these are sometimes the times I play mindless match games on my phone. 

But more and more often in those moments, I acknowledge, I choose acceptance, or take action, or trust that all will work out, and turn to love and faith. It’s really all I can do. And guess what, it does pass, I can cope and mental suffering diminishes.

Just sometimes the taking actions is Best Fiends for 20 minutes, just sayin’

The Mex in Mex

OMG - 2 hours so far in San Miguel de Allende and I’m 1000% smitten.  The Mex I was seeking, the mex that flows in my blood, that brings me to tears and feels connected to my soul and my ancestors - is what I feel here already.  

and to top it off I’m fresh of the miracle news from my 3 months scans1

yes miracle news - It seems I’ve had what is known as a complete response from treatment - my Dr doest say NEAD - no evidence of active disease, maybe it’s his style, maybe i need to be at this for longer, or what - but essentially thats what it is.  The measurable spots of metastasis in my body are NO LONGER DETECTABLE, as in not there.

It’s the most unusual feeling - there’s joy and ecstatic gratitude, mixed with disbelief, tinged with fear and and urge to minimize. 

Or to qualify with all the other realities of a metastatic disease diagnosis. (which are true, I will always be on treatment, I will always be monitored every 3 months)

But I’m here in Mexico, in an stunningly beautiful place - about to join some goddesses and true friends for a 5 days of yoga and ceremony and adventure  - which has now turned into a true celebration of life and miracles 

(side note, the hotel restaurant I’m in is pretty empty, and this group of 4 just came and sat at the 2 top table right next to me and so the tears that are coming as I write about this are super awk - wtf)