listomania - blessings & thanks

I love lists, so i'll just go ahead and say now that i'm gonna make lots of posts that are lists - todays is about the things and people that have blown me away

What i'm thankful for:

1. whatever it is in me that is making me not feel completely devastated and really generally happy and lucky, maybe even more so than usual. I feel pretty damn rich right now.

2. modern medical advances

3. my 5 core loves that are taking care of my heart & body & mind.

4. Daily Juice

5. Other amazing people that have either said words or done actions that mean the world to me and literlly blow me a way with their unbelievable acts.

6. Wonders & Worries

7. vegan chicken salad from wholefoods

8. My ex husband & his wife - taking this in stride and with strength despite the fact that they literally JUST traveled the same road.

9. all my new clothes, my clean house, my glittery quilt

10. and hugely, my friends who have gone or are going throught= this, and the friends i'm gonna make as i go. It's a club one may not wish they had to join, but it just may be one of the most rewarding, love filled, inpsirational & comforting.

there are a million more, the list could be endless